Candy Cane Lane is an upcoming American Christmas comedy film directed by Reginald Hudlin and written by Kelly Younger. The film stars Eddie Murphy, Tracee Ellis Ross, Robin Thede, Nick Offerman, Chris Redd and Jillian Bell. It is scheduled to be released by Amazon Prime Video on December 1, 2023.
According to Deadline:
Eddie Murphy plays Chris, a man on a mission to win his neighborhood’s annual Christmas home decoration contest. Chris inadvertently makes a deal with a mischievous elf named Pepper (Jillian Bell) to better his chances of winning, she casts a magic spell that brings the 12 Days of Christmas to life and wreaks havoc on the whole town. At the risk of ruining the holidays for his family, Chris, his wife Carol (Ellis Ross) and their three children must race against the clock to break Pepper’s spell, battle deviously magical characters and save Christmas for everyone.
Hollywood veteran director Reginald Hudlin said in a statement:
“I can’t wait for the world to see ‘Candy Cane Lane,'” “I’ve wanted to make a Christmas movie my whole life, but I wanted to do something fresh and surprising. Eddie Murphy and this hilarious cast really bring the funny, it’s super Christmas-y, and it will hit you right in the feels.”