Bronny James, the eldest son of LeBron and Savannah James graduated from Sierra Canyon High School in Los Angeles. He will attend the University of Southern California, where he will play basketball.
His whole family father LeBron, mother Savannah, brother Bryce sister Zhuri and grandma Gloria – attended Bronny James' graduation.
His dad LeBron posted on social media, “Continue to fly high,” with a crown emoji.
He also posted on Instagram’ "PROUD!" "CONGRATULATIONS & LOVE YOU KID!"
His mom Savannah also posted:
“The day has come and gone, but it only marks the beginning of a great journey in front of you! (Bronny) I am so so proud of you and I hope you are extremely proud of yourself! I am forever your unwavering support, your biggest fan and beacon of guidance always! (If you ever want mom’s POV, Lol) I’m so excited to see what your future holds!! I love you so much!"
Bronny’s grandma Gloria James also joined in:
"Congratulations grandson!!!! You’ve always made me very proud of you. And seeing you graduate tonight, just made me feel an even bigger sense of pride," she wrote. "I wish you the most happiness and success in this next chapter of your young adult life. Continue to spread your wings and soar to new heights. Love you very much."
